It is easy to lose all sight of your health whilst travelling but there are few simple steps you can take to stay on track with your health and fitness goals. 

Aim for Maintenance

Instead of spending your whole trip worrying about trying to be in a calorie deficit, focus on maintenance for your holiday. Travelling is an exciting adventure and food is a big part of most overseas culture and it should be enjoyed. So try to be mindful of your overall caloric intake, but allow yourself to be more flexible and don’t feel guilty for indulging. 

An important thing to remember is to be mindful of excessive alcohol consumption as liquid calories can add up quickly. However, you are on holiday to make memories and if your holidays are packed full with adventure like mine are, then most of the time you've earnt those calories.

If you're worried about losing muscle or strength gains whilst you're away, then your best option is also to aim for maintenance. Unfortunately, the old saying 'use it or lose it' is very true and if your holiday doesn't involve any physical activity you are likely to lose muscle quickly! Good news is that you don't have to be in the gym going hard every day to maintain your gains. All it takes is 2 sessions a week! Be flexible with it, make them short and sharp and try target as many muscle groups as possible.

Incidental Exercise is your friend

Luckily, whilst you're travelling you will normally find yourself burning plenty of calories through incidental exercise whether you're at the beach frolicking in the surf or walking trails to find those breathtaking views. Make the most of all of these opportunities and be as active as you can. Try to walk everywhere and opt for walking to the restaurant/bar rather than paying for transport if possible. You'd also be surprised by some of the wonderful things you see at walking pace that you'd otherwise miss whilst driving!

Stay Hydrated

It can be hard to keep up your fluid intake whilst exploring new and exciting places, especially if you're off the beaten track where clean drinking water isn't easily accessible. One thing I've learnt is to never assume that a tour or day trip will supply water so always be prepared and take your own water bottle everywhere! Be mindful of your water intake because the last thing you want to do is miss that perfect sunset whilst you're curled up in bed struggling with dehydration or heat stroke.

Enjoy Yourself!

Remember being healthy doesn't just mean you're physically fit. Your mental and social well-being are just as important and probably the main reason you've taken this trip or holiday in the first place. The memories you make whilst travelling will last a lifetime, so leave all your daily stresses behind and enjoy yourself! Now that's healthy! 

Let's train together.